The Cost of Sealing a Driveway: DIY vs. Professional


The harsh Canadian climate can have varying effects on your asphalt driveway.  Specifically, if you are looking for driveway sealing in the West Kootenays, driveway sealing in the East Kootenays, or driveway sealing in Chilliwack and area, the weather will factor in to how you want to best protect your driveway.  Rain, ice, snow, and salt all have damaging effects on driveways as they deteriorate the binding compounds of asphalt which leads to cracking.  Once cracks are present, the deterioration is exponentially faster as your driveway will know be more susceptible to further cracking.  The best way to prevent that is with hot rubber crack filling and driveway sealing.

Many people look at driveway sealing as a DIY project, especially when they see all the materials available at your local hardware store.  We are going to look at the true cost of sealing your driveway on your own versus hiring a professional.

DIY driveway sealcoating can seem like a great way to save money but costs can quickly add up if you have never done it before.  For our example, we are going to compare sealing a 1000 sq. ft. driveway on your own against professionally.  Furthermore, we are going to estimate that each gallon of the driveway sealer will cover 60 sq. Ft. of asphalt.  Keep in mind that many reviewers of store bought driveway sealer claim that the sealer covers much less than advertised.

While comparing costs, we will assume that the home owner owns a power drill, a leaf blower or a push broom, a grass trimmer, and rubber boots so that these items will not factor into the cost.

DIY Cost: $350 - $410

Sealer - $250 to $320

There are several sealers on the market to choose from that range it quality and price.  If you are going the DIY route, we would recommend the highest quality product.  Even though the initial cost may be higher, you will should not have to spend time and money every year sealing your driveway as compared to if you regularly bought the cheap product.

The 3 highest rated sealers from Canadian Tire, range from $62.99 to $79.99.  Each bucket contains 4.5 litres of material which would likely cover around 270 sq. ft.  These sealers claim to last 5, 7, or 10 years but in reality, the best-case scenario has them only lasting 3 year before a new application is needed.  

Now, looking at our 1000 sq. ft. driveway, we will assume that you will need at least 4 buckets of the material to cover your driveway.  If you were to buy the “Airport+ All Season Driveway Sealer”, it would cost you around $250.  And If you were to buy the “Blackjack Drivemaxx 1000 Driveway Sealer and Filler”, it would cost you around $320. 

Paint Mixer - $19.99

Properly mixing the sealer is vital to the effectiveness of the product which means you will need a proper metal mixer meant for 5 gallon buckets.  Over time, the sealer will settle and become a mud like consistency on the bottom of the bucket and remain very watery on top.  Mixing the sealer will allow for a consistent texture throughout your bucket.  A powered drill will also be needed to use this tool.

Squeegee - $40.99

When you are looking for a squeegee, you will likely find a “driveway sealing squeegee and brush” in the same section as the driveway sealer.  These are often too narrow and will extend the time it takes to finish your driveway.  We would recommend getting a squeegee that is at least 24 inches wide to save you time while you are sealing.  A 24 inch squeegee will cost $40.99 from Canadian Tire. 

Paint Brush - $9.99

There may be several tight areas of your driveway that you will be too nervous to use the squeegee around so we highly recommend having a paint brush on hand to reach these spots.  This is one thing that you think you may not need but in order to keep the driveway sealer from getting on any parts of your house, patio bricks, or garage we encourage you to buy a paint brush.  A large brush is recommended and will likely cost around $10 dollars. 

Masking Tape - $13.49

Masking tape is another essential tool if you want to make sure that the rest of you property stay clean and proper.  Taping all patio bricks, concrete, and where your driveway meets the road leave crisp lines and look professional once you are finished.  We recommend at least a 2 inch wide roll as spreading the sealer can sometimes be messy. 

DIY Total - $344.46 - $404.46+tax

Overall, that is not a bad price for sealing your driveway.  With that said, the pricing can vary quite a bit if your driveway is older and also needs crack repair as the sealer will absorb into the pores of the asphalt more easily and thus not cover as much area which means more sealer will be needed.  Several of the online reviewers mention that the sealer covers much lee than advertised.  

Once you have purchased your materials, it will likely take you around 3-6 hours to accomplish, especially if you have never done this type of thing before.  Something to keep in your mind as well.

Professional: $400 - $500

The professional driveway sealers, notably in British Columbia, will have a few pros compared to DIY driveway sealing.  

First off, you can be sure that it is done correctly as these professionals will have done many driveways in their time and will have the skills and knowledge to efficiently ensure that your driveway is sealed properly.

Secondly, if there are any cracks or potholes, professional services can advise you and fill them with material that is not available in hardware stores.  These steps are some of the most important in maintaining the quality of your driveway.

Thirdly, they will be using a commercial product that will likely outlast anything that is bought at a hardware store.

Lastly, and possibly the most important, you will not have to spend time on your off day sealing your driveway and getting covered in black liquid.  Rather, you can sit back and enjoy your day off while you watch somebody else do the work for you.

Coyote Sealcoating completes driveway sealing in the West Kootenays, East Kootenays, and Chilliwack region which impacts the price we charge.  Many asphalt contractors like ours charge anywhere from 40 cents/ sq. ft. to 50 cents/ sq. Ft. depending on the location and condition of the driveway.   Now, when looking at a driveway that is 1000 sq. Ft. the cost will range anywhere from $400 - $500.  That is assuming that the driveway is in good condition and will not need additional work.

Final Thoughts

The cost differences for sealing your own driveway will be, at best, around $100 and at worst, will cost you an additional $4.46.  The extra cost of professional work will come several benefits, such as, a proper assessment of your driveway, potential crack repair with a hot rubber crack filler, an experienced worker completing the job, and the free time to enjoy your day off in the summer.  

That said, if your driveway is fairly new, you have time on your hands, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with working on your own home, then sealing your own driveway may be your best option.  Furthermore, once you buy items like the paint mixer and squeegee, you will save yourself an additional $60 off the total cost each year as you will already have those items.  

Ultimately, the decision will likely not come down the price as both options are fairly close in the end.  Your final decision should be centered around whether you would like a professional to complete the job for you or whether you would rather accomplish the job on your own.


Driveway Sealing in B.C.